A Photographers & Visitors Guide & Timeless Stories

Matt Mullenweg

WordPress Changes – Losing the Old Admin and Editor

The False Appearance of Success

Matt Mullenweg seems to be under the impression that the new User Interface and Editor have been a success. From his recent “State of the Word Address” ⇒.

“Matt gave some updates on Calypso’s adoption since it was released last year. He says that 68% of posts on WordPress.com are now written in Calypso. 17% of posts are written via a mobile device, and only 15% of users are using the WordPress admin. For reference, Calypso is the default method of publishing on WordPress.com now, so that includes the desktop website, desktop app, and mobile app”.

We need to tell him that it is a false impression based upon being herded into the new system by the removal of virtually all links to the old one.  A move which seems to have precipitated an increasing number of abandoned and infrequently used blogs.

We also need to list all the new UI’s and Editors shortcomings.  Including the low-speed for those who aren’t fortunate enough to have super-fast broadband and super-fast computers. 

It seems, for business reasons which include the use of Rest-API ⇐, WordPress are determined to set aside what remains of the old system.  They had better be persuaded to perfect the new one first.  That will take many voices, so please add your comment to the forum and pass the news to others and, for the present,  How to Access the Old System ⇐

The places to comment.

Where you can place a comment and, should you so wish, address a comment to Matt Mullenweg as @Matt:-


Comments about the WP Reader:-


This is my message to Matt Mullenweg on the “stats” thread of the forum:-

Message for @Matt via @supernovia

It is noticeable that there are an increasing number of blogs that are infrequently used and an increasing number being abandoned.  Pushing Reader “Recommendations” at us, without an opt-out will only annoy customers more.

The idea that the new UI is successful (according your State of the Word address) is false one, brought about by the destruction of links and making all but one point away from the old UI.  Many bloggers do not even know that it still exists.  You have been fooling yourselves.

As an aside: You would make the UI/Editor/Reader less cramped if you employed slide-away or drop-down menus.

The new UI/Editor remains deficient of original function.  There is lot of work to do before it will reach the original functional standard.  You shouldn’t need us to tell you what’s missing. That is a ludicrous failure of perception and a disrespectful misuse of our time.

Unless one has super-fast broadband and a super-fast computer, which most people do not, especially in the farther regions of the world, then the new UI/Editor/Reader is horribly slow.  Using more code to achieve less is a failure and no amount of contrived hyperbole or herding of customers can alter the reality.  And, why on Earth is the “Reader” loading Olark.

If you are using OAuth 2.0, as it seems you are, you should bear in mind what the lead project author entirely disavowed that version.

I suggest that you give the project at least a semblance of genuine improvement, then beta test it and only then launch it.  Do not destroy what works in favour of what does not.  We are paying customers (and paying for No-Ads does count). We are not here for you to experiment on.

Here ⇒  are just some of the comments that you don’t see.

Further: There has been exclusion of adverse customer comment on the WP Blog and the Forum’s “Reader” thread.  That is against WP’s apparent stance on censorship, a contravention of First Amendment Rights and fuels the argument for making WP a Regulated Public Utility under Congressional control.  Perhaps it would be a good idea to see that it doesn’t happen again.

Have a nice day.   🙂

A Christmas Ode to the Word Press Reader

Twas the week before Christmas,
And through all WordPress house,
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even a mouse,

Then up jumped a code wrangler,
And shouted with glee,
Let’s cause a nuisance,
And I’ll do it for free,

It’s just before Xmas,
They will all be so busy,
We can mess with the Reader,
And make them all dizzy,

So they worked hard through the day,
And they worked hard through the night,
It was so very unusual,
That it gave them a fright,

Then the bloggers complained,
And made the wranglers feel sad,
So the the bloggers said more,
And drove the wranglers quite mad,

Then up spoke a blogger,
With “that’s well deserved”,
Let’s put them in aspic,
And have them preserved.


You might also like the original poem Twas the Night Before Xmas ⇐ , or A Lament for the Ancient Code Wrangler ⇐ 🙂 or more serious comment/news on WP New Reader ⇐ 

We do need a sense of humour to cope and keep our spirits up.  Meanwhile Sam’s Song is brilliant and Sam the Eagle is my hero:-

Appalled and shocked, but we have been here before.  Making an effort does make a difference.  Imagine how bad it would be if we didn’t.

More News and Articles ⇐ on this subject.

The WP New Editor Protest


These posts are from March 2015 bu continues to receive views.  The Poll below is still open and shows a a vast majority of protest.  Some further articles/information on the WP changes are here.

Add Your View and Please Share the Opportunity

This Poll, in response to the New WP Editor, has a gathering momentum (2,500+ votes) , it is independent, the results visible and well worth a moment of your time to add your vote. There is nothing to lose, it may help and it might deter any further nuisance. Please click on:-


With credit and thanks to blogger “imperialtwilight” for the initiative.

It is also worth leaving a comment on the most recently active forum thread.  Please click here:-


The previous forum thread of 32 pges (now closed) is here.


If you would be kind enough to Share, Post with a Link or Reblog, it will help to spread the opportunity to others.  Spreading the word is very important if we are to avoid further problems.

The Poll is spreading well enough that, if WP ignore it, then it will be obvious to all that they have made a wrong turn.  On that basis, maybe they will not ignore it.

Workarounds are here.

Some further articles/information on the WP changes are here.

WP Changes – an Appeal to Reason.

To help move things forward in seeking remedy, below is my recent response to Matt Mullenweg’ s comment on About WordPress Changes and What We Can Do .






“Present feedback has been mostly complaint or attempts to tweak the new UI to meet desktop needs. This is surely not helpful to the new [Mobile] enterprise.

Conversely, relieving users of their concerns would certainly result in feedback that will help the new UI rather than compromise its purpose. Co-operation between us and the restoration of a community spirit, being a lot more productive than a conflict that nobody wants.”

and continues:-

“One of the issues that has caused a lot of consternation has been assertions, by staff on the forums, that the old stats pages will be “phased out”.

I think it has been fairly assumed by some, from your statement “I can say that the wp-admin interface will also be there for you or anyone else who navigates to it directly or bookmarks it”, that this includes the continued existence of the old stats pages which are part of that interface.

Perhaps it has been a been a simple glitch in communications that has caused a large part of the consternation . Such things do happen even in the best of organisations. A simple confirmation would, I’m sure, restore a more amicable, co-operative and productive approach.”

At this stage, I think it is in the best interests of WP users if I allow time for reason to prevail.  But, I will be back on this in 4/5 days.

Addition: The response from CEO M. Mullenweg being unsatisfactory, there will be more activity on Sunday 8th February 2014.

WP Changes – Improved Workarounds

Duck 3Sorry to redirect you but there have been developments that makes this easier at WordPress Navigation Links – Improved

No longer as relevant :-

This approach will, I hope, restore more enjoyment to blogging.  More about WP Changes and What We Can Do to seek restoration of original function is here !

Meanwhile, the biggest problem is that the Reader is a catch-all.  Log-in to it or click on any link to it and the Reader opens in the current Tab, then there is no way to the better Dashboard  except via the “My-Sites” blue Mobile orientated User Interface.    This approach solves that.

Note 1 : You can choose to Right-Click on any link and, from the pop-up menu, you can select “Open Link in new tab”.   You might then need to select that Tab.  A similar approach for Apple Mac.

Note 2: Everything here opens in a new Tab.  Note:3 The “Refresh” button is usually found to the right of the address bar.

With the following approach it is possible to get away with using only one Tab, two Tabs to keep your Notifications Archive available and an occasional extra Tab for use of the Reader and/or Stats.  Once one is familiar it becomes a new habit.

  • Log-in to the your WP Dashboard:-

https:// {YourBlogName} .com/wp-admin/

You only need to do this once and then can Bookmark/Favourite it for future use.  Once you have logged-in,  you are automatically logged in to all of your UI pages. You can also log-out from there using the drop-down menu that appears when you hover the mouse pointer over your Gravatar.

  • From there you have access to all the usual functions and can Right-Click “View All”, just beneath the graph,  to open the better Stats page in a new Tab.

You can return to your Dashboard by closing the Stats Tab.  Alternatively clicking on the Dashboard Tab, which keeps the Stats Tab open and saves reloading pages (although you will want to refresh Stats occasionally).

You can also choose a different blog from the drop down list adjacent to the small blue Home icon (top right) on the Stats page.  Clicking on the Home icon automatically opens an Admin page in a new Tab.

  • If you would like to add your Notifications Archive (the more useful view), open and Bookmark/Favourite the following for future use:-


There is the option to keep that one extra Tab open for whenever/wherever the little bell lights-up.  Just click on the Notifications Tab and refresh the screen.

  • To add the Reader, without getting trapped, use the Note 1 tip above, or open and Bookmark/Favourite the following for future use:-


I’ve found that this approach works well but does require a small change of habit.  If stuck, then one can always revert to the first Bookmark/Favourite (Dashboard), which you are still logged-in to.

If you would like more direct Links (e.g. My-Stats, older Stats, All Posts, New Post etc), please see:-


With thanks and credit to all those on the forums who initiated the idea.

At this stage, I do not think that these Links and/or this method will be tampered with.  That would prove the intent to coerce and be contrary the CEO Matt Mullenweg’s own comments on About WordPress Changes and What We Can Do.

That post is still open for comments on the subject,  which can be directed to the post subject or as a direct reply the Mr Mulenweg’s comment.  The later, providing an opportunity, perhaps more useful.

Lastly; avoiding the new UI may well be helpful as any clicks to/from the new UI may be used to signify acceptance.  The thrust of debate is that it is going to be better, for each endeavour, if the Mobile friendly UI is kept separate from the Desktop friendly UI.

About WordPress Changes and What We Can Do

This article was first published 27th January 2015.  The current situation (11 Many 2016) seems static with both the old Stats pages still available and very little disruption to the “classic” editor.  The workarounds still being a viable option.   We continue to watch for any further disruption and any cause for further protest as may be required.

For more recent concerns (Dec 2016) regarding the WordPress Reader, please click here  ⇐.

For Help with the UI changes (workarounds) please click here .    

There are additional issues that have not been openly disclosed please click here.  For a full range of articles please click here.

*** On Jan 29, 2015 at 17:57 a reply from CEO Matt Mullenweg with bloggers responses, in comments below.

This article (on 27th January 2015) is about Underlying Motive, The Problems, Probable Cause, How We Can Make a Difference and Remaining Questions.

Underlying Motive

Matt Mullenweg, owner and recently appointed CEO of WordPress, has himself indicated a wish to pursue the mobile market which is made clear in and interview with Forbes click here ! (page 5/6) .  However, that interview does not indicate any intention to abandon desk-top users.

Add to this, Tiger Global now have a total of $110 million invested in WP here !.  Tiger Global also have investments in the expanding Indian and South American mobile and e-commerce markets.

Amended/Addition:  From WSJ/Digits  “We both have a long term outlook, and we’re focused on growth,” said Mullenweg of Tiger  in an interview. “

This is altogether an entirely legitimate business pursuit but it’s gone wrong.

The Problem

The mobile versions of the user interface have been so inept as to spoil its credibility from the outset and at the same time alienate desktop users.  Complaints, on the WP Forum, about the new editor ran to 32 long pages here !.    Complaints about the New Stats here (closed)! and here (closed)! and here (closed) !.    Complaints about the New Notifications here ! .  More on Goldfish An Open Letter to WordPress !.  And, we are told, there are more changes to come.

Amendment/Addition: To make this clearer, the changes that have annoyed people most have been the removal of navigation links that make it difficult to avoid the changed pages.  From the Reader entirely impossible.  Such action being coercive.

This is not at all the “democratized blogging” that WP claims to support.  It was entirely unnecessary to create such nuisance for desktop users when a separate strand could have been developed for mobiles.  A one size fits all approach is unworkable for devices that are so different.

The notion that this is a free service and that we should not complain is false.  Active blogs either accept advertisements (which are not visible to the blogger whilst logged in).  Advertisements  which are based upon their own work as the attraction, or pay their $30 p.a. to keep them away.

Such attitudes and behaviour have a continued corrosive effect which includes the loss of key workers over time.  After 1-2 years a company falls into decline, but by then it is unable to stop that decline or even fully recognise the cause.

If customers migrate to another host, then those remaining are going to lose readership, which is then another incentive to move.  If any of the major players realise that WP is creating its own vulnerability they will surely take advantage.  An easy transfer and universal reader would be enough to tip the balance and create a landslide.

Taken altogether this means that we must rescue WordPress from its own demise.

Probable Cause

Nobody in their right mind would want to spoil their progress into a new market and at the same time alienate existing customers.  From long experience freelancing in industry, I know of only one way this can come about.  Somebody who is more convincing than capable has got hold of the reins.

The symptoms are commonly the use of unrealistic hyperbole, forcing users into the new product so that it appears to be successful (in this case, by manipulating the navigational links),  destruction of  previous work (by removing access),  create a notion that restoration is impossible (manage the complainants instead of the complaint) and ensuring that executives of the company do not know the truth (it’s all going very well and doesn’t it look good).

Problems are exacerbated when there is failure to meet deadlines.  That results in products being launched before they are ready and, needing to meet the next deadline, no time for adequate remedy.   As a result, there is further motive to use the ploys mentioned above and plough on regardless.

The most insidious of these is the notion that we cannot overturn the situation.  It is a ploy to ensure that we do not even try outside of the prescribed avenue (the forums) which only frustrate.  But, to paraphrase FDR, ‘there is no cause for despair except despair itself’.

How we can Make a Difference

Whatever may be thought of the above summary, if we do not make an effort, then we and WP lose by default.  If we get up on our hind legs and howl for the pack to pay attention then we stand a good chance of putting more sensible people in charge.  So:-

  • All the possible remedies and the encouragement to be optimistic need to be widely publicised by ourselves by posts (with plenty of tags for the Reader), links, re-blogging with lots of tags (you can use up to 15 categories +Tags without getting excluded from the Reader), tweets, Facebook, email etc. That is our strength as publishers and the numbers of people who express disquiet count as much as the comment content.
  • Every click to/from the new pages are surely recorded and supports the notion that they are successful.  Therefore, it is vital to boycott their use.  They can be avoided by Bookmarking/Favourite a few pages and opening each in a new tab. For more information and a fairly straightforward approach please click here ! .
  • Whilst the forums are a sink-hole for energy with comments that seek restoration only frustrated, it is still important to increase the number of voices and thus show the extent of disquiet. The most commonly used open threads are  here ! for general comment and here ! for New Notifications.   Comments can be entered at the end of the last page and whilst they do not need to be more than brief to add weight to the cause. However, the forums are free to comment as much as you wish.
  • Make contact with WordPress seniors/founders who may not know what is really occurring.  Many have blogs and can be found on the “About !” page.   Unfortunately it is not at all as useful as the version that was recently removed.  Fortunately I took screen-shots of the original here !.   Matt Mullenweg can be contacted here ! and/or tweeted here ! and former CEO, Toni Schneider, here !.

  More than one link may be held in moderation. Therefore, may I recommend using the exact name of forum topics.

  • Later, when the tide of protest has risen, I will be making contact with the equity holders who stand to lose a great deal and those journalists who would like the story of WP unnecessarily creating conflict with its own clients.

The Remaining Questions

Are the seniors/founders of WP really upholders of high ideals or was it just a marketing ploy.  Some of the delightful descriptions from the original “About” page, screen-shots here, include:-

Matt Mullenwg – As the Chief BBQ Taste Tester of Automattic, Matt travels the world sampling cuisine and comparing it to the gold standard of Texas BBQ.

Nick Hamze  – Chief Swag Officer

Stu West – Chief Festivities Officer (CFO) – Stu spends his time measuring the awesomeness of operations and finance at WordPress.

Michelle Weber – Chief Semicolon Advocate

It begs the questions.  Has it really all been about having fun and making swag or is it just that Matt Mullenweg is having too much fun to mind the shop ?  The eventual answer is that deeds speak far louder than words.

What can do we do about it ?  We can spread the word and raise as many voices as possible.  As a last resort, a method I know to be effective against the unethical,  is to widely embarrass with the truth and threaten income and the value of the company.

I hope that the sensible will get control soon and save us all any more nuisance.  Lastly;  thank you for taking the time to read and may I offer you my best wishes in all your endeavours.

Please do use this as you wish by re-blogging, linking etc.  The more viewers the better.


With gratitude and credit to all those who entered comment and information on the forums and apologies if reading has been a bit hard on the eyes (this blog was not intended for this purpose). 🙂

The follow-on from this is now WordPress Changes – Polls #1 – Herded ?