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Posts tagged “temple court gardens

Flowers at Temple Court

18 pics – To brighten up the winter gloom, a few flowers from the Temple Court gardens, London.

In southern England the kink in the old jet stream has been weaving about all over the place and forecasters have been having a hard time.  The other day, thinking it was going to be wet, I took to wearing Wellington boots.  The locals were so surprised.  It was my own fault, I should have put some cloths on.

The Temple Court Flowers

A big hats off the Temple Court gardeners.   There are many flower beds dotted around the place, a very nice little enclosed garden and a beautiful rose garden.  They are all in pristine condition and somehow a considerable diversity thrives happily alongside one another.

There will be more from the Temple Court later,  in the meantime, here are the flowers photographed in early July of 2014.


Temple Court Flowers 2


Temple Court Flowers 3


Temple Court Flowers 6


Temple Court Flowers 7


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Temple Court Flowers 9


Temple Court Flowers 11


Temple Court Flowers 12


The plant (?), in the first picture, ate a corporate banker.  I don’t want to say what the second did to a stockbroker.  🙂

Temple Court Flowers 13


Temple Court Flowers 14


Temple Court Flowers


Flower Outside Temple Court

This last one is from a small garden adjacent to the Temple Court.

I’ve been saving, what I believe to be, the best flowers until mid February and there will be more about the Temple Court and the Tower of London soon.