A Photographers & Visitors Guide & Timeless Stories

The Tate Modern Gallery

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The Tate Modern (website) occupies a huge building on London’s South Bank amongst a cluster of other venues, including the Globe Theatre.  It’s contents can be classified generally as modern art but does include some items of past political and ideological interest.

I was disappointed at the absence of poster, record cover and street art but there is a breadth of other items and probably something to suit most tastes.  I’ve tried to include a broad mix of items that I like and those that I do not.  Taste is a very personal choice and, I think, not a matter for value judgements (they thought so too and wouldn’t let me take my angle-grinder in  🙂 ).

The venue is free to enter and photography is permitted except in some of the exhibitions.  Further up river is the Tate Britain with a mix of classical paintings and some modern art sculpture.

Tate Modern Winnie Mandela

Tate Modern – Winnie Mandela


Tate Modern Revolutionary Posters


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For a closer view, click on the image and then again to magnify.

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This is half of an installation in progress.  The other half is the same but faces the other way with a platform in between and will be “A live art game for children and adults”.

Tate Modern Salvador Dali Autumnal Canibbalism

Tate Modern – Salvador Dali – Autumnal Canibbalism


Tate Modern Pablo Picasso Weeping Woman

Tate Modern – Pablo Picasso – Weeping Woman


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Tate Modern Gerhard Richter

Tate Modern – Gerhard Richter

I did find that many of the larger works were better viewed at a distance and hence very effective when seen in the smaller scale of a photograph.

Tate Modern Gerhard Richter

Tate Modern – Gerhard Richter


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Tate Modern Lee Bul Untitled (Cravings White)

Tate Modern – Lee Bul – Untitled (Cravings White)


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I’ve included this as an example of post-modern existentialist irony.  That is, there is a sign outside the exhibition room that says “NO PHOTOGRAPHY” and me with no angle-grinder.  Some people have no sense of humour.


8 responses

  1. What beautiful wealth of human imagination – each better than the other 🙂


    April 10, 2016 at 11:15

  2. What a wealth of art. I love the entrance to Tate Modern too – so gorgeous in the right light.


    April 12, 2016 at 13:34

  3. Love Tate Modern :)!


    December 6, 2016 at 14:35

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